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Tuesday, October 4, 2011


    On about the tenth day after conception, the developing placenta begins producing the hormones HCG and estrogen, which may cause mild to severe nausea and vomiting in susceptible mothers-to-be. This, along with tender breasts and no menstrual period, is strong (but not absolute) evidence of pregnancy. A self-administered pregnancy test can be performed on urine, and these tests are now sensitive enough to be accurate only a few days after conception.

    *There are no FDA-approved medicines for morning sickness. Any anti-nausea drugs can cause damage to the developing baby. Drink and eat small amounts of bland food (steamed vegetables, baked potato, dry bread, etc.) throughout the day to not stretch the stomach and trigger the very sensitive gag reflex. The first food and drink. should be before getting out of bed in the morning. Sustain Sport drink is a helpful supplement at this time. Small amounts of Melaleuca Herbal Tea taken throughout the day are very calming to the stomach. The need for vitamin B-6 and magnesium is great and can be supplied from the Vitality Pack Prenatal with Oligofructose Complex (they may need to be ground up and put in a drink or take in the middle of the night). Ginger is a very good herb for controlling nausea and has no side effects. Take Calmicid, which contains a natural stomach calming herbal complex which includes ginger and chamomile. Take as directed. The use of wrist straps fitted with acupressure beads help some women with morning sickness.

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