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Tuesday, December 13, 2011


    Hardening of the arteries can lead to high blood pressure, strokes, shortness of breath and cold hands and feet, as well as senility and premature aging. Cholesterol (LDL-the bad kind) and ionic calcium make up part of the "cement" that lines arteries of the liver, bowel, lungs, brain, kidneys, legs and arms. Several common-sense suggestions can help.

    * Begin taking ProvexCV, Phytomega, the Vitality Pack with Oligofructose Complex, and CellWise. Every adult should be on this regimen for prevention of atherosclerosis. The probiotics in Florify have also been found to lower cholesterol levels. All of these supplements make up the Vitality 6 pack which should be taken regularly by every person who wants to avoid cardiovascular disease and other health problems.
    Stop smoking and avoid smokers. Avoid animal fats and cooked vegetable oils. Reduce total fat to less than 20% of your total diet. Eat a good variety of raw fruit and vegetables each day. Begin a gradual daily exercise program. Eat an Access Performance Bar 15 minutes before exercising and drink a Sustain Sport one half hour after exercising to speed up the fat-burning process. FiberWise bars contain 5 grams of fiber and are an excellent quick snack, and fiber is an important heart health. Drink 3 to 4 cups of Melaleuca Herbal Tea daily.

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