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Sunday, January 1, 2012


    Bladder infections, most often in women, can be bothersome at best, and a potential full-blown illness at worst. Underwear made of synthetic fabric causes excessive perspiration, which leads to bacterial growth at the opening of the urethra. Some even think that getting too cool can aid in the development of a bladder infection, which can possibly be traced back to reasons related to fashion. Not drinking enough water encourages bacteria to grow within the urethra and bladder. Repeated infections are a cause for alarm.
   WARNING: Recurrent infections treated with antibiotics can lead to highly resistant strains of bacteria and yeast infections.

    * As a preventative, take CranBarrier daily. The ingredients in CranBarrier have been shown to prevent bacteria from adhering to the cells lining the bladder, and thus harmful bacteria is flushed harmlessly out of the urinary tract.
    Drink 2 to 6 cups of Melaleuca Herbal Tea along with 2-4 quarts of pure water each day. Wear cotton underwear. Douche with Nature's Cleanse weekly to redlin' hacleria in the area. Add 1 oz of Sol-U-Mel in the rinse water of washing cycles when laundering undergarments. Use the EcoSense Laundry System to avoid harsh chemicals.
    Use white toilet paper since many colored or printed toilet papers contain formaldehyde, which should be avoided if at all possible. Wiping from the front to the back prevents the possibility of introducing baccteria into the urethra. When treating a bladder infection, add 10 drops of T36-C5 to a quart of distilled water and dab the external urinal tract after each urination with a cotton ball soaked in this mixture. Keeping the abdominal area warm is very comforting, as is massaging the lower back with Pain-A-Trate.
There is some indication that baths can contribute to bladder infections, probably due to the harsh chemicals in most bath soaps. If you prefer to bathe rather than shower, bathe with The Gold Bar and/or add 3 to 10 drops of T36-C5 to your bath water.

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