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Wednesday, March 7, 2012


    "A sound mind in a sound body" was the Greek ideal for a healthy person. We now know that what impairs one part of our being will affect the other. Nervousness (mild anxiety) can be due to worry about an unfounded or unlikely situation or event. Deprivation of sleep, clinical depression, and the aches and pains that often accompany tense muscles are typical with nervous people. Nervousness tends to be a learned behavior that depletes the body of valuable nutrients, which in turn perpetuates the condition. Chemical addictions, including nicotine (nervous stimulant) and alcohol (nervous depressant), as well as long-term prescription drugs, should be avoided and corrected before permanent improvement can take place.
A healthy body makes its own chemicals for awareness and response to real problems. Nervousness is one way the body responds to stress. Nearly all mental disorders include nervousness as a component of the diagnosis. See the section on Exercise in this book.
    *See your health care provider and follow his/her recommendations for stress control, exercise, and diet. Take Luminex, which contains St. John's wort, Griffonia seed, folic acid and B-12, daily as directed. Take the Vitality Pack with Oligofructose Complex, CellWise, ProVex and/or ProVex-Plus as directed as well. Drink 2 to 4 cups of Melaleuca Herbal Tea each day. Practice relaxation and breathing exercises. Believe that you can train your body, with help, to be more calm.

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