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Thursday, March 8, 2012


    Almost any normal skin organism is capable of living in the nutrient rich, moist, and dark environment found in the lower urinary tract. Women are more prone to UTIs because of the constantly moist environment of the urethral opening and its close proximity to the anus. If improperly treated, UTIs can progress to bladder infections (cystitis) or kidney infections (nephritis). Fewer than half of the women with OTIs have any symptoms of the illness. Tight-fitting clothes, prescription drug reactions, synthetic undergarments, warm weather, inadequate toilet hygiene, or a generally weakened immune system can lead to bacterial or yeast infections in the urinary tract. Drinking enough water can usually prevent or overcome many of these shortcomings.
   * The best treatment is prevention. Take CranBarrier daily. The ingredients in CranBarrier have been shown to prevent bacteria from adhering to the bladder and urethral linings, and thus harmful bacteria is flushed out of the urinary tract. Use cotton undergarments. Dry your body well after showering or bathing. Drink enough water and drink 4 to 12 cups of Melaleuca Herbal Tea each day. Women should wipe from the front to the back when using the toilet. Take the Vitality Pack with Oligofructose Complex, CellWise, Florify, ProVex and/or ProVex-Plus as directed. Douche as needed with Nature's Cleanse. Contact your health care provider for further advice. See the section on Bladder Infections in this book.


    Walking is a wonderful exercise that can burn fat and improve your health. It is easily the most popular form of exercise for all ages. It is the only exercise in which the rate of participation does not decline in the middle and later years. Walking burns approximately the same amount of calories per mile as does running. It should be an important part of every wellness regimen.
    * Make the effort to find good walking shoes that fit properly. Treat your feet well. Pamper them with Body Satin Foot Scrub to stimulate circulation and make them come alive with Body Satin Foot Lotion. Freshen them throughout the day with Body Satin Foot Spray.
    If an injury should occur, carefully clean It with Antibacterial Liquid Soap and, after drying, apply T36-C5. This should be followed with MelaGel or Renew Intensive Skin Therapy.


    Enlarged veins in the lower legs are common among civilized people because of standing and walking on flat, hard surfaces all day. Chronic constipation and pregnancy also tend to cause circulation backup in the legs, which leads to varicose veins. Occasionally there is leg pain or discomfort, but usually not. Valves in veins normally prevent blood from flowing backward or pooling. Sedentary lifestyles destroy this check-valve effect and lead to pooling. Varicose veins and hemorrhoids are often found together.
    Toe action, like walking barefoot on a sandy beach, assists the pumping of blood back to the heart and keeps leg veins and their check-valves healthy. A clinical examination for venous circulation often finds the beginnings of blood clots blocking this natural flow. Some scientists feel that most blood clots plugging brain (stroke) and heart (heart attack) arteries originate in the oxygen-depleted veins of the legs. See the section on Constipation in this book.
    * Elderly people may require specialized care beyond these suggestions. The bioflavonoids in ProVex, ProVex-Plus and ProvexCV have been known to greatly reduce the unsightly appearance of varicose veins, so take them daily. Do not wear tight-fitting belts or girdles. Wear support hose ONLY when walking or standing for prolonged periods of time. Wearing them while sitting or driving can cause more circulation problems than it helps. Walk barefoot for 10 minutes each morning in the dew or on a sandy beach. Body Satin Foot Scrub and Body Satin Foot Lotion can also be used to cleanse and stimulate improved circulation.
    Maintain healthy, regular bowel movements. You should not have to strain when making a stool. Drink 2 to 6 cups of Melaleuca Herbal Tea each day. Take one or two FiberWise bars or drinks each day. They are excellent ways to increase dietary fiber and promote regularity and bowel mobility. Also take Florify to help maintain the proper balance of flora in the digestive system.


    Pregnancy is a natural process, yet one out of every eleven pregnancies produces an abnormal baby. External factors that are known to greatly affect a normal pregnancy include the nutrition of the mother and the safety of the environment. Exercise should be continued during pregnancy to maintain muscle tone and prevent back problems from the added 20 to 30 pounds of normal weight gain.


    Parkinson's is an incurable neurological disorder. It occurs when brain cells that produce dopamine, an important neurotransmitter (message-carrying chemical), are destroyed by oxidative stress in a part of the brain known as the substantia nigra. Some symptoms include muscle tightness, tremors, and possible speech impediments. High risk individuals are those over 65 who have suffered brain trauma, or have been exposed to high levels of pesticides/herbicides, or who have a family history of Parkinson's.


    A degeneration of joint material, including cartilage and bone, takes place when complex systems of mechanical injury, biological stress, biochemical irritation, and enzymatic or nutritional deficiencies are upset. There is no single cause for osteoarthritis. Healthy joints have such little friction that without some precipitating condition, they will never wear out. Apparently the amount of friction in the joint increases after repetitive injury, taking drugs for other conditions (many drugs affect joint and bone metabolism), toxic reactions to environmental pollution (pesticides, herbicides, food additives, etc.) trace nutrient deficiencies, or dietary habits that promote nutritional deficiencies (excessive coffee drinking, alcohol, limited diet selection. etc.). Osteoarthritic joints have less flexible cartilage and more infiltrated bones, causing the telltale enlarged joints on fingers. Exercise tends to pump nutrients in and wastes out of healthy cartilage. See the section on Arthritis in this book.


    There are two major types of osteoporosis, primary and secondary.
The primary type occurs more often in women and progresses with age. Known as the "shrinking disease," it affects more women over the age of 65 than breast and uterine cancer combined. The loss of calcium prematurely is due to a combination of factors. Women who are slight of build, smoke cigarettes, consume caffeine and animal products, fail to exercise, and do not ingest enough usable calcium from vegetable sources are prone to develop fractures of large weight-bearing bones after menopause. The spine, pelvis, and femoral hip joint areas are most often affected. School-aged girls are often deficient in dietary calcium from vegetable sources. Most are at great risk of never attaining 100% of their expected bone calcium density. Since the expected life span of a woman born in the 1990s is 90+ years, more emphasis should be placed on teaching girls how to prevent this disease .
    Secondary osteoporosis is less common and can be due to malabsorption of calcium, endocrine imbalances, prescription or other drug reactions, liver disease, or kidney disease. Recent studies indicate
that a deficiency of vitamin D is the real cause of osteoporosis. Vitamin D allows your body to absorb calcium. Without it, you can take all the calcium supplements in the world and it would not help.
    * If you are having any of these challenges, see your health care provider and begin following his/her advice. Limit or eliminate all dairy and other animal products. Also eliminate soda pop from your diet. If you are a woman of menopausal age and have lost 1/2 inch or more of height since you were 18, begin a program to minimize osteoporosis. If more than 1 inch of height has been lost, consult your health care provider for a calcium metabolism evaluation.
    Women of all ages can benefit from taking EstrAval daily as directed. Take the Vitality Pack with Oligofructose Complex and CellWise to ensure adequate trace nutrients. Drink 2 to 4 cups of Melaleuca Herbal Tea each day to detoxify. Take ProVex and/or ProVex-Plus daily as directed. The ingredients in ProFlex20 are powerful stabilizers of colllagen structures, which is the major protein structure in bone.