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Thursday, March 8, 2012


    Enlarged veins in the lower legs are common among civilized people because of standing and walking on flat, hard surfaces all day. Chronic constipation and pregnancy also tend to cause circulation backup in the legs, which leads to varicose veins. Occasionally there is leg pain or discomfort, but usually not. Valves in veins normally prevent blood from flowing backward or pooling. Sedentary lifestyles destroy this check-valve effect and lead to pooling. Varicose veins and hemorrhoids are often found together.
    Toe action, like walking barefoot on a sandy beach, assists the pumping of blood back to the heart and keeps leg veins and their check-valves healthy. A clinical examination for venous circulation often finds the beginnings of blood clots blocking this natural flow. Some scientists feel that most blood clots plugging brain (stroke) and heart (heart attack) arteries originate in the oxygen-depleted veins of the legs. See the section on Constipation in this book.
    * Elderly people may require specialized care beyond these suggestions. The bioflavonoids in ProVex, ProVex-Plus and ProvexCV have been known to greatly reduce the unsightly appearance of varicose veins, so take them daily. Do not wear tight-fitting belts or girdles. Wear support hose ONLY when walking or standing for prolonged periods of time. Wearing them while sitting or driving can cause more circulation problems than it helps. Walk barefoot for 10 minutes each morning in the dew or on a sandy beach. Body Satin Foot Scrub and Body Satin Foot Lotion can also be used to cleanse and stimulate improved circulation.
    Maintain healthy, regular bowel movements. You should not have to strain when making a stool. Drink 2 to 6 cups of Melaleuca Herbal Tea each day. Take one or two FiberWise bars or drinks each day. They are excellent ways to increase dietary fiber and promote regularity and bowel mobility. Also take Florify to help maintain the proper balance of flora in the digestive system.

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