Of all abdominal distress, gas and indigestion account for 80% of complaints. Abdominal distress is often caused by unhealthy eating habits. While we should all drink at least eight glasses of pure water a day, this water should be consumed between meals rather than at mealtime. When we drink too many liquids with our meal, digestive enzymes are diluted. This, in turn, can be manifested as indigestion or abdominal pain caused by bloating and gas.
Upon feeling discomfort in the abdomen, try to remember if food was ingested which was of questionable freshness. The so-called "summer flu" is actually due to bacterial toxicity from improperly handled food.
Overeating in the evening hours, or eating in a hurry, packs food in the stomach before nerve and hormone stimulation can properly begin the digestive process. Eating rich, fatty meals stresses the stomach, gallbladder, and pancreas, which slows down digestion and allows bacterium to begin fermentation and putrefaction in the bowel.
Constipation is at epidemic levels in our country. Eating high roughage food helps hold moisture in the bowel, giving the muscles of the bowel physical material to propel along its approximately 26 feet in length. The roughage rapidly carries ingested toxins, proliferating bacteria and metabolic by-products out of the body. Experts agree that 20 to 30 grams of fiber per day is advisable for adults. The average American eats approximately 7.3 grams of fiber each day.
* Celebrate eating. Give thanks. Eat as many meals as possible with soft music and candlelight, in the presence of people you love. Drink adequate amounts of liquid each day including 2 or 3 cups of Melaleuca Herbal Tea between meals. Slow Down! Use FiberWise drink or bars to supplement your daily intake of fiber. Each serving supplies 5 grams of the much-needed fiber. Take Florify to help maintain the proper balance of flora in the digestive system. Get 20 to 40 minutes of moderate daily exercise to promote circulation within the abdomen and stimulate bowel peristalsis. Multiple small meals are generally preferable to one or two large meals each day. Take the Vitality Pack with Oligofructose Complex and CellWise daily to encourage proper metabolism and waste excretion from cells. If indigestion occurs, use Calmicid as directed. Calmicid provides fast relief of acid indigestion, heartburn and gas. It aids digestion with ginger root and helps relieve cramping with chamomile and fennel seed.
To correct colic in infants, give several teaspoons of warm Melaleuca Herbal Tea during the day and before bedtime.
See the section on Indigestion.
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