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Friday, December 23, 2011


   In 1912, the first case of atherosclerosis was documented in an elderly man. It was called a disease of old age, and was a novelty that took up only one paragraph of a medical textbook. By 1960. Cardiovascular diseases were the number one cause of adult death in North America. The wars in Southeast Asia identified 19-year-old American soldiers killed in action who showed moderate to advanced plugging of the arteries in their hearts. In 1992, 485,000 Americans died from this disease.
Researchers now suspect that dietary excesses and a sedentary existence may be the greatest contributors. Conditions such as diabetes, high LDL cholesterol, and those brought on by smoking and eating a diet low in roughage and containing over 30 percent fat seem to be the pattern of most of those affected. Hardening of the arteries can lead to high blood pressure, shortness of breath, strokes, and cold hands and feet as well as senility and premature aging. Oxidized cholesterol (LDL, the bad kind) and ionic calcium make up part of the "cement" that lines arteries of the liver, bowel, lungs, brain, kidneys, legs and arms. Some new research indicates that heart attacks are caused not by high levels of cholesterol, but by low levels of a B vitamin known as folic acid. There is also a study of men over 50, which found that those who had the highest blood levels of bioflavonoids had the smallest risk of heart disease. Everyone needs a personal plan for prevention. See the sections on Exercise and Cholesterol in this book.
    * ProvexCV is looking better all the time. It is difficult to understand why anyone who knows about this incredible, well researched, patented product, is not using it. Take ProvexCV as recommended to inhibit LDL cholesterol oxidation, regulate blood platelet activity, and maintain healthy blood pressure. If you are on Coumadin or other blood thinners, work closely with your doctor to phase in the ProvexCV.
    Take Phytomega daily as recommended. The phytosterols and omega-3 fatty acids in Phytomega help to lower cholesterol levels and maintain healthy triglyceride levels for enhanced cardiovascular health.
    Stop smoking and avoid smokers. Have a thorough physical examination performed to determine your risks. Follow the doctor's recommendations, and chart your progress. Avoid animal fats and cooked vegetable oils. Reduce total fat to less than 20% of your total diet. Eat two green, yellow, and orange-colored vegetables each day. Begin a gradual exercise program. A half hour of minimal exercise can give people with hardening of the arteries in their legs or arms a boost in protection from a heart attack or stroke. Eat an Access Performance Bar 15 minutes before exercising in order to speed up the fat-burning process. Take the Vitality Pack with Oligofructose Complex and CellWise or choose the Vitality 6 pack for easy-to-remember AM and PM packets with all the supplements you need to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system.
    Twenty to thirty-five grams of fiber is recommended daily for good health. FiberWise contains 5 grams of fiber and the bars can easily be carried for a quick snack. ProFlex 20 is an excellent high-protein meal replacement and can be used alone or mixed with Attain for a delicious shake.
    Periodontal disease is linked to the development of heart disease and stroke, so practice good oral hygiene. Using the Melaleuca Dental Care products is an excellent place to start. See the Dental - Gum Disease section.

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