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Thursday, December 22, 2011


      Cancer is the second most common life-threatemng condition in North America next to heart disease. One of every two citizen will develop it. Most will die despite the best care available. Prevention is stlll the wisest strategy. While no clear cause for cancer is known, there appears to be a combination of circumstances that greatly increases the risk.
                      Hereditary Tendency + Carcinogen Exposure
Cancer Risk =
                      Immune Weakness + Time

    Each one of us is responsible for our own health. Applying a few simple facts can give us the advantage we need. Many Scientists agree that this is a reasonable formula for preventing cancer as well as most chronic degenerative illnesses.

                               Optimum Diet + Exercise & Rest
Cancer Prevention =
                               Positive Attitude + Lifetime Practice

    * Whether you have had cancer or not, these recommendations can give you a greater measure of future cancer preventton. Many cancer researchers now believe that a combination of approaches will prove to be the best treatment. Study your family tree for patterns of specific cancer types. Breast, colorectal, skin, prostate, uterine, and lung cancers seem to be more hereditarily linked. Tobacco (cigarettes, pipe, smokeless tobacco), fatty diet (animal or cooked vegetable oils), toxic chemical exposure (household cleaners and personal care products, food additives, pesticides, herbicides, etc.), electromagnetic radiation (x-rays, TV, ultraviolet, etc.), and putrefying food m our digestive tract are the greatest known risks.
    Get an annual wellness checkup from a preventive health care provider. New blood tests (PSA for prostate, etc.) are being developed to detect antigens (immune sensitive chemicals) given off by early forms of cancer. Follow your doctor's recommendations.
    Remove all sources of chemical exposure from your environment (especially household chemicals), and reduce your exposure to electromagnetic radiation as much as possible.
    Eat as if your life depended on it, because it does!
    Take ProVex, and/or ProVex-Plus, and ProvexCV to ensure adequate antioxidants, B vitamins and essential trace minerals, all of which are associated with cancer prevention. Research findings announced at the American Association of Cancer Research conference in 1998, stated that "a potent grape seed extract, currently available as a dietary suppleement, has been shown to significantly inhibit and even kill cancer cells while increasing the growth and viability of normal healthy cells."
    Take the Vitality Pack with Oligofructose Complex and CellWise. Researchers at the Arizona Cancer Center found that people who had high amounts of the trace mineral selenium had significantly less cancers.
    To help prevent colon cancer, increase your fiber intake by eating a FiberWise bar for a quick snack or drinking the excellent FiberWise drink. Also, research indicates that the ingredients in Florify may help to prevent cancer of the colon along with all of the other healthful benefits of maintaining a proper balance of flora in the intestines.
    Men should take ProstAvan, which contains lycopene. This has been found to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Drink plenty of water and Melaleuca Herbal Tea to continually detoxify.
    Apply T36-C5 or Triple Antibiotic Ointment immediately to any suspicious skin lesion, mole, wart, skin tag, or discoloration. Continue application 2 to 4 times each day until it disappears (probably 2 to 3 weeks) or until seen by your health care provider.
    Laugh, sing, and play at least 30 minutes each day.

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