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Tuesday, December 13, 2011


    Mature adults who have been exposed to air pollutants or who have smoked may develop emphysema. The germ and pollution digesting enzymes that are released by the white blood cells cause permanent damage to the tiny air sacs in the lung, The person has trouble exhaling and develops an enlarged or over-extended chest. A simple spirometry test (lung volume) and history usually tell a story of hard work and an abused life. If the person also has allergies, further development of asthma is common. See the sections on Air Purification, Asthma, and Bronchitis in this book.

    * To prevent further damage stop smoking, get moderate exercise unless the heart is also damaged, drink 2 to 4 cups of Melaleuca Herbal Tea daily, and take the Vitality Pack with Oligofructose Complex, CellWise, ProVex and/or ProVex-Plus as directed. At night use a vaporizer, steamer or humidifier that has had 8 to 10 drops of T36-C5 added to the water. The warm and moist air can be very healing. (Adding the T36-C5 to the water will help to prevent infections from bacteria, yeast and fungus.) Also try rubbing the chest with T36-C5 followed by Pain-A-Trate. If congestion exists, use CounterAct cold and flu medicines as directed.
    It is most important to remove toxins from the home by converting to Melaleuca personal care and home care products. Use Sol-U-Mel to clean all of your equipment.

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