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Wednesday, December 14, 2011


    There are many types, degrees of severity, and locations of headaches. About 80% of all headaches are due to muscle tension or nerve restriction from stress or injury, which inhibits blood flow out of the brain. These respond well to chiropractic adjustments of the vertebral spine and massage of tense muscles. Allergies, eyestrain, sinus or dental infections, viruses, high blood pressure, reduced blood oxygen, low blood sugar, or toxemia (constipation, alcohol, chemical fumes, caffeine addiction, etc.) are other common causes. Brain tumors can also cause slowly developing, continual headaches. Migraine headaches usually are one-sided and can be severe enough to cause nausea and reduced vision. Migraine sufferers get dramatic relief from identifying and eliminating specific sensitized foods from their diet.

    * For a tension headache, a gentle massage for 2 to 5 minutes to the back of the neck, on the temples, and on the sinuses over and under the eyes using Pain-A-Trate often relieves local muscles and promotes blood circulation. Special care should be taken to keep Pain-A-Trate away from your eyes. Apply a hot moist pack to the back of the neck or over the eyes afterward. Most tension headaches are relieved within 10 to 15 minutes with this technique. If symptoms do not improve, keep a log of the frequency, severity, and duration of your headaches and see your health care provider.
    Remember, do the simple things first! Begin an exercise program to reduce tension. Take the Vitality Pack with Oligofructose Complex and CellWise as directed. Drink 2 to 4 cups of Melaleuca Herbal Tea each day. Take a FiberWise drink or bar to maximize bowel elimination.
    Drink Sustain Sport between meals to maintain blood sugar. Drink water and get plenty of rest. If congestion exists, use CounterAct cold and flu medicine as directed. ProVex and/or ProVex-Plus have been found to be effective in relieving or reducing migraine headaches. Luminex often reduces the incidence of migraine headaches, as it boosts the level of 5-HTP, which has been shown to be very helpful in decreasing the number of attacks. 

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