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Sunday, December 11, 2011


    Sinus congestion can be due to mild infections or generalized irritations caused from allergies, chronic airborne pollutants, dust, grasses, pollens, cigarette smoking, or other chemicals. Often, bacterial sinus infections are caused by repeated use of antihistamines, which dry mucous membranes and create opportunity for other infections. Inflammation from mold sensitivity or anemia can also be an underlying cause. When frontal sinuses, found above and behind the eyes, are affected, headaches may occur. Coughing is often associated with deeper irritations in the nasal pharynx and can lead to ear infections in children or nose bleeds in older children and adults.
If repeated episodes of sinus congestion occur, your health care provider should determine the cause. If bacterial infections are present, the condition is termed sinusitis. When it is not properly treated, pneumonia can result. Prescription antibiotics are becoming less effective against these types of infections due to their overuse.

    * Drink 2 to 6 cups of Melaleuca Herbal Tea each day as a decongesstant. (Note: For adults only: To 1/4 cup of warm Melaleuca Herbal Tea, add 1/8 tsp of sea salt. From a cup, snort the mixture into your nose. Tilt your head back and hold it in your sinuses for 10 to 15 seconds. Expel the mixture through your nostrils into a sink. Blow your nose gently. Repeat morning and evening.)

    Use CounterAct Cough Drops, which contain menthol and Melaleuca oil, to reduce coughs and help open nasal passages. Dab T36-C5 directly under each nostril. Breathe the enriched steam from a vaporizer or a bowl of very hot water. To do this, add 10 drops of T36-C5 and 2 capfuls of Sol-U-Mel to the water. Form a tent over your head and the vaporizer, breathing the aromatic vapors through your nose and mouth deeply and gently into your lungs. Keep your eyes closed. Add 1 to 2 drops of T36-C5 every 5 minutes for 15 to 20 minutes. Repeat each morning and evening, or use the vaporizer all night.

   Apply Pain-A-Trate on the temples and forehead to reduce pain from the congestion (keep away from eyes). Repeat every 2 to 4 hours for relief. As long as congestion exists, use CounterAct cold and flu medicines as directed. See also the section on Sinusitis.

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