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Sunday, January 1, 2012


Leg cramps are due to either a deficiency in circulating calcium or reduced oxygen to muscles. Muscle cramps tend to appear after unconnditioned physical activity. Stretching a "crampy" muscle can prevent knotting.
* Exercise in three steps: warm up for 5 minutes to stretch muscles, do your workout, then cool down by moving slower or walking until the heart returns to its pre-exercise rate. Eat an Access Performance Bar 15 minutes before beginning exercise. Take the Vitality Pack with Oligofructose Complex. Drink Melaleuca Herbal Tea and Sustain Sport before, during, and after exercise to reduce stress on the body. Take CellWise to properly oxygenate muscle cells during exercise without free radical formation.
It is also recommended that ProvexCV be taken. Persons who are bedridden may need the assistance of external pneumatic compression boots to maximize circulation and prevent leg pains.

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