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Friday, August 26, 2011

Cigarette Smoking

    Imagine a 747 jumbo jet filled with passengers crashing every hour of every day within the United States borders. How long would this tragedy be allowed to continue? Of all the plagues of man, cigarette smoking has probably caused more deaths and resulted in more disease than all other non-infectious causes combined.
    Over 50 toxic or banned substances have been identified resulting from smoking;
these include carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, dioxane, arsenic oxide, biphenyls, and cadmium salts, just name a few. Nicotine, after the Latin name of the plant meaning nightshade, is a powerful insect repellent, aphid killer on roses, and deadly poison, which is never eaten by animals in the wild.
    Smoking one cigarette reduces the infection fighting ability of the immune system by 50 percent for 1 hour. The March of Dimes has advised against it since 1974 for causing birth defects. Second-hand smoke has been linked to a 15 percent lower IQ among children of households where at least one parent is a smoker.
   Nicotine is an addictive alkaloid drug related to codeine, morphine, and cocaine. Recently, cigarette companies have been accused of actually adding nicotine to their higher-priced brands to induce greater addiction and desire for their product. Many congressmen list financial holdings in the lucrative tobacco industry, which may account for the 30-year struggle to gain governmental bans of this deadly waste of human health.
    There is no greater single health measure you can take than to quit smoking and forbid the practice in your home or around your loved ones. Like any drug addiction, it must be faced with courage and compassion. If you have the personal strength to stop smoking, DO IT RIGHT NOW! If you need help, seek a health care provider who is trained in chemical addiction treatment with diet, herb, acupuncture and hypnosis.
    Begin a lifestyle of wellness rather than self-destruction. Take ProVex and/or ProVex-plus, as well ProVexCV daily. Take the Vitality Pack with Oligofructose Complex and CellWise as directed. Drink 2 to 4 cups of Melaleuca Herbal Tea each day to help the body detoxify.

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