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Saturday, December 17, 2011


    The human body is designed for motion. Actually, everyone is an athlete--you are either actively practicing or you are not. More middle aged and elderly people are enjoying the benefits of regular exercise than ever before. Typical athletic injuries in all ages include pulled muscles, strained ligaments and tendons, bruises and muscle cramps. Common sense tells us that a proper warm up and cool down before and after exercise is essential.

    * Take the Vitality Pack with Oligofruetose Complex as well as ProVex or ProVex-Plus to optimize tissue-strengthening nutrients, CellWise should also be taken. Of course all adults should be taking ProvexCV as well to support a healthy cardiovascular system. Take more Vitality Calcium Complete if you have muscle cramps after a workout. Eat an Access Performance Bar 15 minutes before exercise to inhibit adenosine and open fat stores in the body for energy. ProFlex helps restore, repair, and strengthen muscle tissues, and helps provide energy. Sustain Sport can be mixed in your water bottle for continual replenishment of waning blood sugar.
    Joints are repeatedly stressed as we go about our daily activities, and the body must constantly work to repair them. With age, the body becomes less efficient. Replenex, with 1500 mg of the purest glucosamine available, plus ginger, bromelain and green tea extracts to reduce inflammation and discomfort, helps preserve the health of joints, thereby promoting ease of movement.
    Pain-A-Trate should be in the equipment bag of every athlete. Immediate application of Pain-A-Trate to any closed injury will start the healing process. Regular application of T36-C5 stimulates circulation to injured tissues as well. Ice is good for injured joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments. Apply ice for no more than 5 to 10 minutes at a time. Longer treatment periods can actually cause frostbite or reverse the anti-inflammatory effect. Heat can cause problems so it should be avoided, in most cases, for the first 24 to 48 hours after an injury to bruised or pulled muscles. A health care provider, trained to treat sports injuries, should see chronic or untreated injuries.

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