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Friday, December 30, 2011


     Menopause (stopping of flow) may be natural (average age 45-51), artificial (radiation or surgery), or premature (illness or stress-induced). In a state of health, natural menopause has mild symptoms, such as the ovaries ceasing to produce eggs and shriveling up like gray colored prunes. When a woman undergoes premature menopause, there are underlying causes that need specific attention. The greatest concern during and for about 5 years after menopause is the rapidly dwindling levels of estrogen to the cells of the body. Various lifestyle factors can have a great effect on estrogen production at this time of life, including stress vs. rest cycles.

    Hot flashes, sweating, or light-headedness affect approximately 75% of menopausal women and last for about a year. (See the section on Hot Flashes in this book.) Approximately 25% to 50% of these women have these symptoms for 5 years or more. Other symptoms of tiredness weight gain, headaches, irritability, insomnia, and nervousness may be related to both estrogen deprivation and the stress of aging and changing ltfestyle roles. Lack of sleep due to disturbances from hot flashes makes the fatigue and irritability worse. Occasional dizziness, numb or tingling sensations, palpitations, and fast heart rate may occur. The risk of heart disease increases. Urinary incontinence and urinary tract infections increase. Nausea, lower bowel gas, constipation or diarrhea, and joint and muscle pains are also common complaints. The major health risk is osteoporosis at this time. (See the section on Osteoporosis in this book.) Preventing this challenge should be every woman's primary health concern.
    * See your health care provider and begin following his/her advice for controlling stress. Take EstrAval Natural Support for Menopause. Take the Vitality Pack with Oligofructose Complex and CellWise for nutritional support. Take ProvexCV for cardiovascular protection. Begin a daily exercise program using the Access Performance Bar and Sustain Sport drink to prevent low blood sugar and fatigue. Drink 2 to 4 cups of Melaleuca Herbal Tea each day and take CranBarrier to prevent urinary tract infections. Communication is very important during this time. Overwork and continued stress can prolong symptoms. 

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