The underlying causes of clinical obesity (being more than 20% above your optimum weight, or having more than 40% of your body weight as fat) often stems from boredom eating, stressful eating, childhood or sexual abuse, drug effects, or improper nutrition. See the section on Nutrition in this book. Less than 10% of obesity involves glandular conditions. The obvious problem is in storing more calories than are being burned through metabolic need and exercise. All chronic degenerative diseases are accelerated when obesity is present.
Obesity increases the chances of becoming seriously ill. High blood pressure, stroke, coronary heart disease, and other conditions are more common in an obese person than in someone who is lean. Diabetes is five times more likely in those who are obese. Women who are overweight show a corresponding increase in the risk of developing breast, uterine and cervical cancer. Osteoarthritis is aggravated by obesity. Obese men have a greater risk of developing cancer of the colon, rectum and prostate.
Our ancestors earned and burned 4,000 to 6,000 calories each day just in living, working and walking to school. Because of our automated lifestyle, we earn and burn between 1,200 and 2,000 calories each day. Our nutrient needs for vitamins, minerals and cofactors common to food remain the same. What is wrong with this picture?
Many people have lost hundreds of pounds over the years only to gain it right back. This is due to a physiological condition called "set point." The hypothalamus gland in the brain constantly monitors the temperature of the inside of the body compared with the outside surface of the body. The appetite center, also located in hypothalamus, is activated when factors begin to lower blood sugar. Our bodies are then conditioned or "set" to burn less when apparent reserves begin to drop. We actually slow down our rate of calorie burning to conserve fuel. This is why people can go on a water diet for a week and not lose more than one or two pounds. Fatigue is the most common complaint when total calories are restricted. The set point must be changed so that the body is satisfied with fewer intakes, while it is burning more of its reserves. Restricting dietary fats to less than 20% of daily intake decreases free radicals and hunger sensations. Continuing exercise establishes a new set point, which is the permanent way to control weight. See the section on Exercise in this book.
* See your health care provider and begin following his/her advice. Melaleuca's online tool to encourage, inform, and challenge you to meet your exercise and diet goals is Vitality for Life at There are step-by-step exercise and meal recommendations, as well as the community support of your peers in the online forums.
Start with a high-fiber, low-fat diet. Lots of fiber cleanses the body, removes toxins, and helps to dilute, bind, and deactivate many carcinogens. It moves excess bile from the stomach and intestine, prevents obesity, lowers cholesterol, stabilizes blood sugar, and increases energy. Use FiberWise drink or bars regularly to increase the fiber content in your diet. Take Florify to maintain a proper balance of flora in'the digestive system.
Eat an Access Performance Bar 15 minutes before exercise. This will allow your body to actually burn stored fat. Plan your meals ahead of time. Remove all unhealthy snack foods from your home. Enjoy Attain as a healthy meal replacement. It is especially effective for weight loss when it is mixed with water or rice milk. Attain can also be mixed with ProFlex30 for added protein. Protein helps lower appetite cravings and cholesterol while it increases strength and endurance. Attain is a great replacement for Slim Fast and Ensure. Luminex would be helpful in boosting the level of 5-HTP, which is known to help in obesity.
Use exercise, instead of eating, as a means of handling stress. If childhood stresses are present to any extent, contact Overeaters Anonymous and get involved. This non-profit group is an excellent source of free support. If necessary, see a counselor or a health care provider. for appetite suppressive-herbs, acupuncture, or specific metabolic testing. Seeking help in getting started is far better than reading a "how to" book and doing it alone. They don't work for 99% of the people who buy them. The weight simply slips back, with interest!
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