Young athletes have muscles that are stronger than the actual bones to which they are attached. Heavy track and field events, especially broad jumping, puts an unusual amount of strain on the thigh muscles as they connect with the tibia just below the knee. Some young athletes develop this crippling disorder due to an avulsion (fracture), whIch tears away soft bone. This causes pain and swelling in the damaged area. This pain was once called "growing pains." Knee supports are often used to prevent injuries in 14 to 18-year-olds. See the section on Growing Pains.
* Apply an ice pack for 5 to 10 minutes to acute pain areas. Take Vitality Calcium Complete with each meal, as well as before and after exercise to maximize bone development. Vitality, taken as directed, will enhance growth and healing of injuries. ProVex and/or ProVexx-Plus will reduce pain and inflammation. Apply Pain-A-Trate directly to the affected area before and after exercise to minimize swelhng and pain. Rub exercised thigh muscles with Pain-A-Trate to relax tension and stimulate circulation. Jacuzzi or whirlpool massage is excellent for reducing tension. Do not overtrain. You have a long life ahead of you.
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